

Improved UX/UI, seamless donation integration and streamlined content for leading animal welfare charity.
Preparing for a
new digital home.
UI Design
Web Design

The Brief.

The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA), founded in 1949, is a renowned and leading animal welfare charity in Ireland. As the charity commemorates its 75th anniversary in 2024, we embarked on a digital transformation to mark this significant milestone.


The ISPCA’s website had not been updated since the early years of the charity. We undertook a modernisation process to refresh their brand identity while maintaining their recognizable branding. Our goal was to create a new digital presence that better reflects and delivers the ISPCA’s values and purpose.


Our objective was to not only elevate the aesthetic but also to ensure a smooth and effective conversion process for website visitors. Through this transformation, we aimed to enhance the user experience, making it easier for visitors to engage with the ISPCA’s mission and support their efforts in rescuing and rehabilitating animals.

The search
and rescue.

The Approach.

As a renowned charity with multiple important services and touchpoints, it was vital that we conducted thorough, in-depth research to fully understand the charity sector, ISPCA’s brand, and the desires for their new digital presence. Once aligned on the next steps, we got to work on on the design and development.


Aesthetic Refresh


As a recognisable stalwart, it was crucial to adhere to the parameters of their overarching branding. However, through sophisticated UX/UI design, we successfully retained their iconic brand identity while pushing the boundaries toward a modernised look. We streamlined the color palette to the core shades and adapted the page layout to acommodate for heavy content.




A clear

Crafted for connection.

User-friendly Navigation


For the ISPCA, information abundance is crucial, yet it can overwhelm the user journey. To ensure seamless navigation while retaining valuable knowledge, we crafted a sitemap featuring diverse sections, menus, and interactive touchpoints. This approach enabled us to present key content in a digestible format, guiding visitors effortlessly through the site.



Seamless Donations


As a charity, the ISPCA’s primary objective is to encourage donations. We dedicated significant efforts to this aspect, aiming for a section that immediately captured attention and maintained user-friendliness throughout. Complex processes increase the risk of user drop-offs, so we prioritised a seamless experience. To achieve this, we embedded a custom donation and payment widget, ensuring a smooth donation process from start to finish.


Improving mission

Back-end engineered for simplicity.

As a large charity with numerous employees navigating the back-end, we wanted to ensure it was super easy for the internal team to update, edit, amend and add new pages.

Once the front-facing website was polished, we got to work on refining the back-end functionality. We created specific roles for staff members who manage animals for adoption, this enabled them to now add and update the adoption ads for their centre.

Geared toward
desired action.

The Result.

From the outset, aligning objectives enabled our team to construct a website that not only embraced the ISPCA’s mission but also streamlined their goals with remarkable efficiency. 


Our top priority was to craft a modern aesthetic that intuitively guided users towards desired actions. To achieve this, we seamlessly integrated the iconic branding, evolving it into a contemporary design characterised by ample white space and dynamic sliders, effectively showcasing extensive content in a user-friendly manner.


We ensured effortless navigation by strategically placing call-to-action touchpoints, prompting users to take desired actions such as donating, signing up, and adopting with ease.

Mobile Solution

Delivering a seamless experience to users across all devices is always a priority at Webbiz. We optimised the mobile design and website performance to cater to the majority of users who access websites through their mobiles.


To achieve this, we identified the key factors that could affect mobile performance, including page loading time, device compatibility, and user experience, before thoroughly analysing the design and enhancing the user experience.


A mobile-friendly website optimised for different screen sizes and resolutions allows the brand and content to shine. 

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